Hidden Lane Landfill – February Cleanup Update

Construction Updates:

EPA’s recent work has included preparation for excavation. This work at the site includes preparing the site working and support areas, the onsite water treatment system,  sediment and erosion controls,  temporary staging areas, and taking other steps necessary to prepare for excavation activities.

EPA’s contractors will begin the excavation of the TCE source area the week of February 19. The work includes excavating TCE-contaminated soil above cleanup levels down to bedrock at approximately 30 to 35 feet below ground surface. The TCE source area is located at the southern end of the landfill, with dimensions of approximately 100 feet by 50 feet. Excavated contaminated soils and debris will be temporarily stockpiled on site and then disposed of at an approved offsite disposal facility. 

EPA will be conducting air monitoring to ensure dust and vapors are not leaving the site and will control surface water runoff that contacts contaminated soils using an onsite water treatment system. EPA also has measures in place to ensure the physical safety and health for all site-workers.


Health and Safety:

As a part of this excavation process, EPA is taking a number of measures to protect human health and the environment and minimize nuisances. EPA will have air monitors set-up on site. The air monitoring program will ensure dust and vapors are not leaving the site at levels of health or nuisance concern. The onsite monitoring system will automatically notify the EPA site personnel of any increasing levels before they exceed action levels.

Additional information is available in EPA’s Community Health and Welfare Plan located at https://semspub.epa.gov/src/document/03/2360151.