
All amenities are for the exclusive enjoyment of CountrySide residents.
The “CountrySide Pond” is located between the Oakridge and Belmont neighborhoods. No permits required. In February 2009 at the Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) meeting, a proposal was introduced to stock the pond with Large mouth Bass and a food chain of aquatic species to sustain the Bass. In addition, a related proposal was offered to attempt to lessen the amount of aquatic vegetation that was currently overwhelming the pond. The application of barley straw was suggested as a known means to accomplish this. Both proposals were agreed to by the NAC and recommended to go before the Grounds Committee to be assesses and executed if agreed to an if funding requirements were met.
The Parcourse Fitness Circuit has taken jogging or fast walking a step further by adding these carefully designed exercises which provide a well balanced total body workout. The CountrySide Parcourse Fitness Circuit is a series of 18 exercise stations spread out over a two mile course. These stations are set up in CountrySide that are marked by illustrated signs, showing the participant how to correctly perform the exercise and to use the apparatus correctly. A recommended number of repetitions, and a schedule of levels of fitness are displayed to assure a complete and safe fitness program for people of all abilities, ages and fitness levels.
Parkway Meeting Room
46020 Algonkian Parkway, Sterling, VA 20165 –
Any CountrySide homeowner in good standing can rent the Parkway meeting room. It holds up to 49 people and has tables and chairs, and a kitchen with a fridge and microwave. The room is available to CountrySide homeowners and tenants for rentals such as birthday parties and baby showers. It is not available for “for profit” activities such as home direct sale gatherings.
The Meeting Room is also used by Proprietary Committees for their meetings, and non-profit groups such as Scouts with a special application.
The rental fee is $125.00 for 4 hours. There is a $400 deposit and a $100 key deposit which are refundable. The rental forms and rules are in the Rental Packet below.
For more information on renting the Parkway Meeting Room, please contact Shawanda at the Proprietary office at (703)430-0715 or email her at [email protected].
The 2024 Pool Season has ended. See you at the pools in 2025!
Click here to download the schedule for the entire season.
Amenities Form
Tenant Amenities Registration Form
Tennis Courts
CountrySide has five tennis courts for the use of residents:
- Two of the courts are located off the north side of CountrySide Blvd, beside CountrySide Elementary School between Cromwell and Carrollton Roads.
- Two other courts are located next to the Lindenwood Pool off of Lindenwood Road.
- One court is located next to the multi-purpose court at the intersections of Bentwood and Spotswood Roads in Foxfield.
*please come into the Proprietary Office with proof of residency to obtain the combination number to the lock*
Tot Lot Information – click here for map of CountrySide
- Belmont – Your nearest tot lot is located on the north side of CountrySide Blvd between CountrySide Elementary School and Carrollton Road.
- Foxfield – Tot lots are located on Bickel Court, Asbury Way and at the corner of Bentwood and Spotswood Roads.
- Morven – Tot lots are located off of Whittingham Circle (adjacent to the Parkway Pool) and between Paxton and Haxall Courts.
- Oakridge – Your nearest tot lot is located at the end of Chelmsford Court.
- Oatlands – Your nearest tot lot is located off Mcpherson Circle behind the end of Glengyle Lane.
- Rokeby – Your nearest tot lot is located off of Peyton Road, between Russell and Coleman Courts.
- Welbourne – Your nearest tot lot is located between Benton and Dulany Courts.
Basketball/Multi-purpose Court
CountrySide has two basketball/multi-purpose courts open to all CountrySide residents.
One is located to the back left of the Parkway Parking Lot beside the maintenance shed.
The other is located next to the tennis court at the intersections of Bentwood and Spotswood Roads in Foxfield
CountrySide Proprietary | 21515 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 280, Sterling, VA 20166 | p: 703.430.0715 | f: 703.430.8094